Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a strategy that couples land use design with alternative transportation modes. TDM is the planning and implementation of programs that seek to reduce road space demand by influencing travel choices and the amount and timing of travel. TDM aims to reduce the number of TRIPs taken, as well as the number of single drivers on the road, by encouraging more public transit, walking, cycling, carpooling, and telecommuting.
According to projections by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, increases in population and employment are expected to strain an already overworked transportation system by 2035. Expanding our hard-surface roadways is extremely limited by air quality regulations and the design of our current system.
Travel throughout the greater Sacramento region, including Yolo County, is made primarily by residents driving alone. During peak commute hours, 92 percent TRIPs are made in private vehicles, but only 10 percent are in carpools and vanpools. Public transit trips account for only about 3 percent of the total trips. Bicycling and walking are slightly lower during this period, but make up a larger share of commute trips than does public transit.
Yolo Commute, working in cooperation within a public-private partnership with the Yolo community, is working to change this travel pattern and educate commuters and residents on the benefits of alternative transportation.

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategy
TDM aims to reduce the number of TRIPs taken, as well as the number of single drivers on the road, by encouraging more public transit, walking, cycling, carpooling, and telecommuting.